
Strategic Design Scenarios’s main activity is to either create or improve public policies and services by applying the design approach, tools & methods.

– We work will all levels of public authorities, from small village to big metropolitan cities, from Regions to National governments, up to the European Commission.

– We work on super short, medium and long projects, from a few days to a couple weeks, from a couple of months to several years.

– We work on projects of innovation, of foresight (desirable futures) or of improvement/fixing of existing policies & services.

– We work on all sorts of topics as long as they are for the common good and gravitate around the concepts of Sustainability + Social justice + Democracy. This means, simply, that we do not work on projects which intentionnaly harm the planet, create more injustice and impoverish democracy.

For most public administrations, design is rather an unusual practice with an atypical set of methods, and largely uncommon tools. This means that, depending on the knowledge and experience of the public authority, we might propose to insert, in our work, sessions of initiation/training to the design approach. Not only it is important for mutual comprehension but it also helps to understand what can be expected from a design intervention.

Since 2003, SDS has worked with over +200 public authorities all over Europe (and a bit beyond). Don’t hesitate to have a look at some of them here. And don’t hesitate to have a look at some of our projects for you to see examples.