Milieux & créativité
Titre du livre/ “Milieux & créativités” Contributeurs/ Aich J., Beaucé P., Ben Hayoun N., Bullet J., Caraës M., Chamoiseau P., Comte P., Darné O., Didier E., Gerner J., Jégou F., John…
Livret final de la Recherche-Action PJJ Guadeloupe
Titre du livret/ “Livret Final de la Recherche-Action PJJ Guadeloupe” Auteur / Gouache, C. Livret Final de la Recherche-Action PJJ Guadeloupe, Recherche-action participative à destination des personnels de Guadeloupe, intervenant auprès des mineurs…
Laboratoire des usages et des pratiques innovantes (LUPI), Cité du Design, 2016
“Laboratoire des usages et des pratiques innovantes (LUPI)” Cité du Design, 2016 Le LUPI est une méthodologie innovante qui permet de développer, sous forme de scénarios d’usages, de nouveaux produits,…
Envisioning as an enabling tool for social empowerment and sustainable democracy in Responsible living: concepts, education and future perspectives
Title of the article / Envisioning as an enabling tool for social empowerment and sustainable democracy in Responsible living: concepts, education and future perspectives Authors / Jégou F. , Gouache C. This article…
Redesign of the French National Agenda 21 policy
Title of the article / “Redesign of the French National Agenda 21 policy” Authors / Jégou, F., Gouache, C. This booklet has been made from the paper Redesign of the French National…
Friendly hacking into public sector; co-creating public policies within regional governments
Title of the article / “Friendly hacking into public sector; co-creating public policies within regional governments” Authors / Jégou F., Vincent S., Thevenet R., et al. This booklet has been…
Public Innovation Places, Mapping Series
Title of the constellation/ “Constellation 1: Public Innovation Places, mapping series” By/ Selloni, D. Across the world, we observe efforts to promote radical innovations in the public lm being followed by…
My college tomorrow: Innovation sample box
How can we support regional authorities in rethinking the way they develop colleges? How can we enable pupils, professors, staff and all populations around to collectively take action towards new…
A Guidebook for SEP Exhibition at Eco-Products 2006 in Tokyo
The book (in Japanese) includes in a first part a catalogue of ideas for a sustainable city developed by students during fifteen international workshops on the theme of “Sustainable solutions…
“Strategies Towards the Sustainable Household: Scenarios slide show and Project Reports”
SusHouse is a European research project concerned with developing and evaluating scenarios for transitions to sustainable households. It focuses on ‘Shopping, Cooking and Eating’,’Clothing Care’ and ‘Shelter’.
Design driven toolbox
This manual provides direction and support to those companies that want to compete on innovation. In particular, it is geared to those companies that want to make radical innovations that…
The LOLA Brochure
This brochure introduces to the LOLA Toolkit. It gives an overview of the genesis, intentions and goals of the project as well as a panorama of possible implementations that could…
Creative Communities
The book is about social innovation as a driver for sustainable technological and production innovation. Adopting a design perspective, it presents several case studies and their providers, the creative communities,…
Sustainable everyday, scenarios of urban life
What might everyday life be like in a sustainable society? How do you take care of yourself and other people? How do you work, study, move around? How do you…
Food Delivery Solutions
Food Delivery Solutions presents and discusses three proposed solutions for very specific needs: the needs of people with reduced access to food. These solutions have been developed adopting a particular…
Solution Oriented Partnership
Solution Oriented Partnership is about the conception and development of solutions. More precisely: it is about industrialised, contextualised, sustainable solutions that are produced and delivered by networks of partners: the…
Collaborative Services
This book presents the scenario of collaborative services with a range of solution examples, design guidelines and conceptual background on how design could support social innovations promising in terms of…
La génération et l’articulation des idées de services
This booklet has been made from a paper titled: “La génération et l’articulation des idées de services” by François Jégou, in a book called “Design dei Servizi, Interazione, innovazione, collaborazione”…
Developing a college as an open campus
This booklet has been made from a paper titled: “Developing a college as an open campus. Design-driven residences to foster innovation in public institutions” by François Jégou, Stéphane Vincent, Romain…
Collaborative design sessions of objects proposing energy-saving practices: heating
This paper has been presented at the Multiple Ways conference in Lugano, Switzerland, 12-13 November 2009 and published in Multiple Ways to Design Research, Research cases that reshape the design…
Collaborative design sessions of objects proposing energy-saving practices: lighting
This paper has been presented at the Multiple Ways conference in Lugano, Switzerland, 12-13 November 2009 and published in Multiple Ways to Design Research, Research cases that reshape the design…
The future of deliberative processes on nanotechnology
This article has been published in 2010 by the European Commission in a publication called “Understanding Public Debate on Nanotechnologies, Options for Framing Public Policies” edited by René von Schomberg…
Collaborative projection of the macro-service Cité du Design
This booklet has been made from the chapter titled: “Collaborative projection of the macro-service Cité du Design” by François Jégou in a book called Design for services, edited by Anna…
Residencies in public institutions supporting local transition to sustainable ways of living
This booklet has been made from the chapter titled: “Residencies in public institutions supporting local transition to sustainable ways of living” by François Jégou and Stéphane Vincent presented at the…
Design for Social Innovation, mobility initiatives
This article has been presented at the the 2nd SCORE! Conference (Sustainable Consumption Research Exchange Network) in Brussels 10-11 March 2008 and published in the proceeding of the conference.
Co-design & energy responsible practices / washing
This paper has been presented at the Sustainability in Design: NOW conference Bengalore, India 29th September – 1st October 2010
Social innovations and regional acupuncture towards sustainability
This booklet has been made from a paper titled: “Social Innovation and regional acupuncture towards sustainability” by François Jégou presented at the Hunan Green Design conference in Zhuzhou and published…
Sustainable transformation, acupuncture of residences
This article has been published in the Design and Creation journal of the Jiangnan University in Wuxi, China.
My college tomorrow: innovation labs to enable collective public action on education environments
Title of the paper / “My college tomorrow: innovation labs to enable collective public action on education environments” Authors / Jégou, F., Vincent, S. , Thoresen, V. This paper has been presented…
Task force on sustainable lifestyles
This report is a tool for anyone working on sustainable lifestyles and behavior change. The content comes from the nine Task Force projects and the wider evidence base on sustainable lifestyles.…