Title of the article / “Towards a Handbook for SUSTAINABLE FOOD IN URBAN COMMUNITIES [URBACT]”
Authors / Jégou, F.
This article presents the main lessons learn during the preparation phase of an URBACT Thematic Network focussed on Sustainable Food in Urban Communities. One of the main activities of this preparation phase was a tour of the 10 European cities taking part to the network: Amersfoort, Athens, Bristol, Brussels, Gothenburg, Lyon, Messina, Ourense, Oslo, Vaslui. Site visits, informal interviews and presentations during meetings with forming local stakeholder groups allowed engaging in more than 250 different face-to-face discussions with local stakeholders involved in sustainable food and build a good understanding of the current developments of the topic in the different cities. The 10 visits allowed building a first catalogue of 98 cases of best practices of sustainable food in an urban context. The text of the article is mostly extracted from the Baseline report on food concluding the preparation phase. This report includes also an overview of the literature on sustainable food in urban context and the detailed description of the profiles of the 10 cities involved.
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