Design Workshop for Sustainability
Co-creating digital solutions to address the pressing goals of the SDGs at the Cork University Business School, Cork (Ireland). In January 2022, SDS conducted a 3-day workshop titled ‘Building Sustainable…
Renouveler la politique de la vie nocturne Parisienne
Anticiper les évolutions et transformations de la vie nocturne, débloquer les imaginaires et envisager de nouvelles pratiques et des usages inattendus. En 2022, nous avons mené une mission pour la…
Design Thinking in Primary Schools (D-TIPS)
The project D-TIPS (Design Thinking in Primary Schools) aims to equip primary school teachers with the appropriate tools and methods to impart the design thinking approach to children in primary…
Gestion active des consommations (GAC)
Le projet GAC (Gestion Active des Consommations), financé par la région wallonne, visait à expérimenter comment les habitants d’un quartier peuvent gérer de manière collaborative leur production et consommation d’énergie…
Energy Conscious Consumers (ECO2)
ECO2 is a Horizon 2020 funded research project to increase energy literacy and improve energy efficiency through the ACT4ECO e-learning platform. Since citizens play a key role in the transition…
Inventing the future of Marcoussis with citizens
Imagining the future of a village together with citizens by Christophe Gouache How can you build and plan the future development of a village if you don’t involve citizens in…
A journey through temporary use | Refill URBACT
NEW USE OF VACANT SPACES SPURS INNOVATION ON A LOCAL LEVEL Over the past few decades, many cities have experimented with finding Temporary Uses for abandoned or neglected spaces and…
Massive Codesign : A proposal for a collaborative design framework
This book focuses on “massive codesign”: the idea that multiple and/or numerous participants having different voices collaborate in a design process broken down into different steps and formats and resulting…
Scenario stretching game
Do you know what is “Scenario-stretching”. Not yet? Well, “Scenario-stretching” is a tool, developed by SDS, to co-create disruptive, surprising and out-of-the-box scenarios and solutions.
NATCONSUMERS – Reducing energy use through smartmeter natural feedback
How could we be more reasonable consumers? How could we adapt/modify our behaviors towards more responsible and sustainable use of energy in households? Energy saving is not a very sexy…
Eight o’clock: people crowd in front of the entrance to De Centraale. Inside it is full: a long line of people waits in front of the counters to withdraw their…
Milieux & créativité
Titre du livre/ “Milieux & créativités” Contributeurs/ Aich J., Beaucé P., Ben Hayoun N., Bullet J., Caraës M., Chamoiseau P., Comte P., Darné O., Didier E., Gerner J., Jégou F., John…
Zero Carbon Universities – Imagining Campuses of the future
[english] What is a zero carbon campus? What does it mean ? What does it look like ? How is that different from a traditional campus? What is better in…
CIMULACT – Citizen and Multi-Actor Consultation on the EU research agenda
CIMULACT: Engaging all of Europe in shaping a desirable and sustainable future Citizens to provide concrete and unique input to the European Union’s research and innovation agenda CIMULACT stands for…
Justice research – Exploring how to respond to juvenile delinquents violence
Participatory action research for the staff intervening with minors entrusted by a court decision both in the public sector and the voluntary sector and concerned with the care of violent…
Livret final de la Recherche-Action PJJ Guadeloupe
Titre du livret/ “Livret Final de la Recherche-Action PJJ Guadeloupe” Auteur / Gouache, C. Livret Final de la Recherche-Action PJJ Guadeloupe, Recherche-action participative à destination des personnels de Guadeloupe, intervenant auprès des mineurs…
Laboratoire des usages et des pratiques innovantes (LUPI), Cité du Design, 2016
“Laboratoire des usages et des pratiques innovantes (LUPI)” Cité du Design, 2016 Le LUPI est une méthodologie innovante qui permet de développer, sous forme de scénarios d’usages, de nouveaux produits,…
Social innovation in cities – Capitalisation report
Download the article / “Social innovation in cities, URBACT II capitalisation” Authors / Jégou, F., Bonneau, M. City administrations are facing a whole range of challenges on the social, environmental and…
Envisioning as an enabling tool for social empowerment and sustainable democracy in Responsible living: concepts, education and future perspectives
Title of the article / Envisioning as an enabling tool for social empowerment and sustainable democracy in Responsible living: concepts, education and future perspectives Authors / Jégou F. , Gouache C. This article…
Stakeholders process ‘in piazza’?
…one of the many lessons learned from Sustainable Food in Urban Communities URBACT thematic network was the very different cultures of participation and stakeholder processes accross our partner cities. Where…
Killing the powerpoint and the keynote!
What will you bring home from the URBACT City Festival in Riga? was the question asked by the moderator Sally Kneeshaw at the final panel of participants representing various levels…
Organisées par l’ESSTED, École Supérieure des Sciences et Technologies du Design de Tunis, la seconde édition des RAID ou Rencontres Annuelles Internationales du Design avait pour thème: Design et Territoire(s).…
Redesign of the French National Agenda 21 policy
Title of the article / “Redesign of the French National Agenda 21 policy” Authors / Jégou, F., Gouache, C. This booklet has been made from the paper Redesign of the French National…
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AT THE CORNER OF MY STREET A residence regarding access to local public services A SGMAP and 27e Région partnership. Involving beneficiaries as relay to reach “invisible” citizens…
European sustainable food cities
Download the handbook : Creating space for sustainable food systems in urban communities – Practical approaches and examples for cities, and watch the elected officials of the partners cities commit to…
URBACT – Capitalizing on Social innovation in cities
URBACT II (2007-2013) is a European exchange programme promoting sustainable and integrated urban development in line with the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy. It enables European cities to work…
Visions+21 toolbox
To enable local authorities to build upon the national working group reflections on “Rio+20 and after : The future of Agenda 21″ and lead a prospective exercise of their own Local Agenda 21, a…
Sustainable food in urban communities [urbact]
The URBACT Thematic Network “Sustainable Food in Urban Communities” is a project involving 10 European cities that wish to grow, deliver and enjoy more sustainable food: they are looking for joint,…
The Ecological and Social Transformation of the Region
Started 3 years ago the TESR (Transformation écologique et sociale de la région) stands for Ecological and Social Transformation of the Nord Pas-de-Calais Region in the north of France. We can…
… communication is intended here as the process of disseminating a project and making its results visible…
Video animations
VIDEO ANIMATIONS With the development of internet videos, (downloading, streaming on youtube, vimeo, dailymotion), animation movies, animated gifs, etc. video animations are a quite efficient way for communicating and sharing ideas. As…
The Product-service systems project is part of the TURAS program (supported by the Seventh Framework Programme of the EU). The PSS project is led by Brussels Environment, Ecores, Group One,…
Agendas 21 of tomorrow for ‘Conseil General 33’ Toolbox to co-create and build with the ‘Girondin’ stakeholders a desirable vision for the territory. This was for SDS the second occasion…
Friendly hacking into public sector; co-creating public policies within regional governments
Title of the article / “Friendly hacking into public sector; co-creating public policies within regional governments” Authors / Jégou F., Vincent S., Thevenet R., et al. This booklet has been…
Download the ebook
Choose the file you’d like to download 1. eBook Light Version PDF (videos through external links to vimeo) : 39Mo 2. eBook Full Version PDF (videos are included…
Piloting visioning tools of the kit with St Orens, Agenda 21…
St Orens is a 10000 suburban city East of Toulouse hosting March 28th a visioning atelier in the perspective of finalizing the Agenda 21 at the end of the 2013.…
PERL working on green jobs for sustainable living…
PERL working on green jobs for sustainable living… March 6th-9th 2013 in Marseille, France was the official launch of the second PERL project recently approved for 3 more years of…
Public Innovation Places, Mapping Series
Title of the constellation/ “Constellation 1: Public Innovation Places, mapping series” By/ Selloni, D. Across the world, we observe efforts to promote radical innovations in the public lm being followed by…
My college tomorrow: Innovation sample box
How can we support regional authorities in rethinking the way they develop colleges? How can we enable pupils, professors, staff and all populations around to collectively take action towards new…
EXHIBITION Exhibitions tends to present finalised solutions to passive visitors. On the contrary, SDS tends to use exhibitions as a tool to prompt social conversation within a large number of…
AD-POSTERS Advertising-like posters figure new product-service through a simulated advertising visual and related claim. Advertising is the way most users get a first contact with a new solution: it is…
… to build system-maps, to trigger players to question their current relationships, to establish new partnerships, new communities of practices…
Online platform
ONLINE PLATFORM Facilitating exchange of experiences and knowledge brokering; developing partnership and synergies between distant stakeholders; fostering collaboration and exchange within a neighbourhood… can be enhanced by appropriate and open…
Enabling kits
ENABLING KITS Producing enabling kits means to design a complete set of elements that may enable people to perform a particular activity in a more autonomous way: instructions and check-lists;…
System map
SYSTEM-MAP System organisation maps shows the organisation between different stakeholders to perform a solution. They are based on an open library of graphic elements (icons, pictures, arrows…) and a set…