Author Archive
Visualisation & Simulation

“…talking about sustainable transition, stakeholders are obsessed with what they may loose because they feel difficult to imagine what they may gain… Envisioning, visualising, showing in concrete terms ‘how life... [read more]

“…talking about sustainable transition, stakeholders are obsessed with what they may loose because they feel difficult to imagine what they may gain… Envisioning, visualising, showing in concrete terms ‘how life... [read more]

EVIDENCING Evidencing are touch points of new product-service systems. They are material evidences of a service and by extension of this notion, they can also be a series of instantiations... [read more]

EVIDENCING Evidencing are touch points of new product-service systems. They are material evidences of a service and by extension of this notion, they can also be a series of instantiations... [read more]
Rapid prototyping

RAPID PROTOTYPING A tentative solution based on a mix of new artefacts, distant services providers, complex architecture of software application, etc, is simulated by part and with possibly already existing... [read more]

RAPID PROTOTYPING A tentative solution based on a mix of new artefacts, distant services providers, complex architecture of software application, etc, is simulated by part and with possibly already existing... [read more]

PHOTO-STORIES Photo-stories presenting a fiction through a series of scenes shoot in photography and used as comic stripe provide an accessible and engaging form of visualisation: users project themselves easily... [read more]

PHOTO-STORIES Photo-stories presenting a fiction through a series of scenes shoot in photography and used as comic stripe provide an accessible and engaging form of visualisation: users project themselves easily... [read more]

STORY-SCRIPT The script is the backbone of the narration, it points the key-moments of an interaction picturing both its overall meaning and the processes to achieve it. Story-scripts are in... [read more]

STORY-SCRIPT The script is the backbone of the narration, it points the key-moments of an interaction picturing both its overall meaning and the processes to achieve it. Story-scripts are in... [read more]

VIDEO-SKETCHING Video camera is used as a sketching tool in order to quickly visualise and communicate the interaction between a new product-service and potential users in context. The video style... [read more]

VIDEO-SKETCHING Video camera is used as a sketching tool in order to quickly visualise and communicate the interaction between a new product-service and potential users in context. The video style... [read more]
Supports to Strategic conversation

“…when you pick-up an apple with the intention to eat it or to through it away, the same gesture is triggered by the activation of different zones of your brain:... [read more]

“…when you pick-up an apple with the intention to eat it or to through it away, the same gesture is triggered by the activation of different zones of your brain:... [read more]
Co-design lab

CO-DESIGN LAB Co-design sessions are based on creative integration of multiple activities: SDS co-design lab is an open space organised as a movie studio with ‘flying walls’ and video networks... [read more]

CO-DESIGN LAB Co-design sessions are based on creative integration of multiple activities: SDS co-design lab is an open space organised as a movie studio with ‘flying walls’ and video networks... [read more]
Creative conversation workshop

CREATIVE CONVERSATION WORKSHOP Projects at a city scale involving multiple stakeholders or challenging a company and all its different department requires moments of creative exchange to converge towards a shared... [read more]

CREATIVE CONVERSATION WORKSHOP Projects at a city scale involving multiple stakeholders or challenging a company and all its different department requires moments of creative exchange to converge towards a shared... [read more]

STORY-TELLING Story-telling is at start the most simplest process: just tell the story! What will you do in that place? How will you use that device? What your day-to-day life... [read more]

STORY-TELLING Story-telling is at start the most simplest process: just tell the story! What will you do in that place? How will you use that device? What your day-to-day life... [read more]
Participative investigation

...we look for what we call ‘friendly users’ which is to say, people assessing the new product-service but in a positive and friendly way, with empathy and willingness to overcome... [read more]

...we look for what we call ‘friendly users’ which is to say, people assessing the new product-service but in a positive and friendly way, with empathy and willingness to overcome... [read more]

In collaboration with the public innovation lab La 27e Région, we develop and experience a residence format based on long immersion sessions of small creative and interdisciplinary team to engage... [read more]

In collaboration with the public innovation lab La 27e Région, we develop and experience a residence format based on long immersion sessions of small creative and interdisciplinary team to engage... [read more]
Field Lab

From classical focus groups or interviews conducted in-vivo to long and in-depth, field interactions inspired by ethnographic approaches, we take a journey to visit houses, sneak into kitchens...

From classical focus groups or interviews conducted in-vivo to long and in-depth, field interactions inspired by ethnographic approaches, we take a journey to visit houses, sneak into kitchens...

With help of icon-cards, stakeholders are encouraged to draw their daily patterns, explain their habits, and map the contexts of use and complex practices in which the usage of a... [read more]

With help of icon-cards, stakeholders are encouraged to draw their daily patterns, explain their habits, and map the contexts of use and complex practices in which the usage of a... [read more]
Sustainable procurement of the Rhône-Alpes Region

Immersion residence at Rhône-Alpes Regional Council to investigate public procurement processes and co-design a series of experimentations to fluidify green procurement and support the regional sustainable transition.

Immersion residence at Rhône-Alpes Regional Council to investigate public procurement processes and co-design a series of experimentations to fluidify green procurement and support the regional sustainable transition.
Agenda 21 Saint-Gilles / Citizen participation

Adopt a Tree Handbook was designed with local population and Saint-Gilles municipality civil servants to engage citizens in taking greening actions in their streets in the framework of Agenda Iris... [read more]

Adopt a Tree Handbook was designed with local population and Saint-Gilles municipality civil servants to engage citizens in taking greening actions in their streets in the framework of Agenda Iris... [read more]
Agenda IRIS 21

A process of participative and projective self-assessment of Agenda 21 from Brussels municipalities and social centres in order to orient the local sustainable policy of the Ministry of Environment of... [read more]

A process of participative and projective self-assessment of Agenda 21 from Brussels municipalities and social centres in order to orient the local sustainable policy of the Ministry of Environment of... [read more]
Co-designing Multi-level Governance Charter

How a Multi-level Governance Charter may encourage interaction and collaboration between governance levels throughout Europe?

How a Multi-level Governance Charter may encourage interaction and collaboration between governance levels throughout Europe?
Agenda 21 France / Rio+20 : the future of Agendas 21

How can we (re)design local governance to facilitate local sustainable transformations?

How can we (re)design local governance to facilitate local sustainable transformations?
HUMAN CITIES 2012 / Reclaiming public space

How to reclaim public space ? How may citizen re-appropriate and seize public space for collective activities and creative interventions?

How to reclaim public space ? How may citizen re-appropriate and seize public space for collective activities and creative interventions?
Agenda 21Molenbeek / Citizen-walks

Participative organization of a series of citizens walks for the initial diagnosis phase of the new Agenda 21 process of the municipality of Molenbeek in the framework of Agenda Iris... [read more]

Participative organization of a series of citizens walks for the initial diagnosis phase of the new Agenda 21 process of the municipality of Molenbeek in the framework of Agenda Iris... [read more]
CORPUS Sustainable Street 2030

Walking on a street of a sustainable city in 20 years from now…

Walking on a street of a sustainable city in 20 years from now…
Sustainable Lifestyles 2050 (SPREAD)

What is a sustainable lifestyle? What will a sustainable future mean for the way we live, move, and consume? How do we know if our lifestyles are sustainable or not?... [read more]

What is a sustainable lifestyle? What will a sustainable future mean for the way we live, move, and consume? How do we know if our lifestyles are sustainable or not?... [read more]
We experiment futures and stimulate social conversation…

We engage our partners in building prospective visions…

We believe in social change and public innovation…

We imagine new scenarios of use…

We co-design products-services-policies systems…

We envision local sustainable ways of living…

Territoires en Résidences

How can we renovate the processes of action of public authorities, engage participation in public institutions and foster sustainable transition...

How can we renovate the processes of action of public authorities, engage participation in public institutions and foster sustainable transition...

Photo-stories developed with 6 families for the City-Eco-Lab exhibition in the 2008 Design Biennale to picture visitors how daily life could be in a more sustainable Saint-Etienne and engage towards... [read more]

Photo-stories developed with 6 families for the City-Eco-Lab exhibition in the 2008 Design Biennale to picture visitors how daily life could be in a more sustainable Saint-Etienne and engage towards... [read more]
Creative Communities for Sustainable Lifestyles

Collection of cases of social innovation promising in terms of transition towards sustainable living with UNEP and the Swedish Task Force on Sustainable Lifestyles in Brazil, China, India and Africa.... [read more]

Collection of cases of social innovation promising in terms of transition towards sustainable living with UNEP and the Swedish Task Force on Sustainable Lifestyles in Brazil, China, India and Africa.... [read more]
Global Survey on Sustainable Lifestyles

3 scenarios of sustainable living presented through 9 solution story-boards discussed randomly in the online survey promoted by UNEP to beyond 8000 youths worldwide.

3 scenarios of sustainable living presented through 9 solution story-boards discussed randomly in the online survey promoted by UNEP to beyond 8000 youths worldwide.
Nanoplat project

Development of a Platform for Deliberative Processes on Nanotechnology in the European Consumer Market based on social computing tools. Projective scenarios simulating possible developments of nanotechnologies in food to stimulate... [read more]

Development of a Platform for Deliberative Processes on Nanotechnology in the European Consumer Market based on social computing tools. Projective scenarios simulating possible developments of nanotechnologies in food to stimulate... [read more]
SEE/K Sustainable Everyday Exploration / Sustainable Everyday Enabling Kit

Comparative study of different local sustainable transformation processes through local micro-projects in Milan, Shanghai, Malmö, New-York, Bogota and France, UK, Brazil... and realisation of an enabling kit to support their... [read more]

Comparative study of different local sustainable transformation processes through local micro-projects in Milan, Shanghai, Malmö, New-York, Bogota and France, UK, Brazil... and realisation of an enabling kit to support their... [read more]
Cité du Design

Construction of a collective projection based on a story-telling process among the publics of the Cité du Design to define the future usages and functionalities of the new public institution.... [read more]

Construction of a collective projection based on a story-telling process among the publics of the Cité du Design to define the future usages and functionalities of the new public institution.... [read more]
Human Cities Festival 2010

Design of street exhibition in Brussels, Milan and Ljubljana as part of the Human Cities Festival concluding a European research project on public space as a commons towards sustainable cities.... [read more]

Design of street exhibition in Brussels, Milan and Ljubljana as part of the Human Cities Festival concluding a European research project on public space as a commons towards sustainable cities.... [read more]
Designing Household Energy Practices (DHEP)

Non-conference and hands-on workshop bringing together designers and academics working from different points of view on the question of cultural change of household practices in the daily use of energy.... [read more]

Non-conference and hands-on workshop bringing together designers and academics working from different points of view on the question of cultural change of household practices in the daily use of energy.... [read more]
One Planet Mobility Cities

Users investigation and scenario building exercise with WWF, University and City of Malmö, Sweden to support systemic transition towards sustainable mobility in 5 European cities.

Users investigation and scenario building exercise with WWF, University and City of Malmö, Sweden to support systemic transition towards sustainable mobility in 5 European cities.
LOLA Looking for Likely Alternatives

Fostering interests and involvement in education for sustainability and responsible living in national school curriculum: LOLA starts as a follow-up of our exploration of social innovations for sustainability. ... [read more]

Fostering interests and involvement in education for sustainability and responsible living in national school curriculum: LOLA starts as a follow-up of our exploration of social innovations for sustainability. ... [read more]
Laboratory for Innovative Usages and Practices (LUPI)

Definition process of a new laboratory focusing user-centred approaches together with the partners companies and institutions of the Cité du Design in Saint-Étienne, France

Definition process of a new laboratory focusing user-centred approaches together with the partners companies and institutions of the Cité du Design in Saint-Étienne, France
A Guidebook for SEP Exhibition at Eco-Products 2006 in Tokyo

The book (in Japanese) includes in a first part a catalogue of ideas for a sustainable city developed by students during fifteen international workshops on the theme of “Sustainable solutions... [read more]

The book (in Japanese) includes in a first part a catalogue of ideas for a sustainable city developed by students during fifteen international workshops on the theme of “Sustainable solutions... [read more]
"Strategies Towards the Sustainable Household: Scenarios slide show and Project Reports"

SusHouse is a European research project concerned with developing and evaluating scenarios for transitions to sustainable households. It focuses on ‘Shopping, Cooking and Eating’,'Clothing Care’ and ‘Shelter’.

SusHouse is a European research project concerned with developing and evaluating scenarios for transitions to sustainable households. It focuses on ‘Shopping, Cooking and Eating’,'Clothing Care’ and ‘Shelter’.
Design driven toolbox

This manual provides direction and support to those companies that want to compete on innovation. In particular, it is geared to those companies that want to make radical innovations that... [read more]

This manual provides direction and support to those companies that want to compete on innovation. In particular, it is geared to those companies that want to make radical innovations that... [read more]
The LOLA Brochure

This brochure introduces to the LOLA Toolkit. It gives an overview of the genesis, intentions and goals of the project as well as a panorama of possible implementations that could... [read more]

This brochure introduces to the LOLA Toolkit. It gives an overview of the genesis, intentions and goals of the project as well as a panorama of possible implementations that could... [read more]
Creative Communities

The book is about social innovation as a driver for sustainable technological and production innovation. Adopting a design perspective, it presents several case studies and their providers, the creative communities,... [read more]

The book is about social innovation as a driver for sustainable technological and production innovation. Adopting a design perspective, it presents several case studies and their providers, the creative communities,... [read more]
Sustainable everyday, scenarios of urban life

What might everyday life be like in a sustainable society? How do you take care of yourself and other people? How do you work, study, move around? How do you... [read more]

What might everyday life be like in a sustainable society? How do you take care of yourself and other people? How do you work, study, move around? How do you... [read more]

A catalogue of 72 promising solutions to answer as many questions about everyday life. A collection of cosmopolitan ideas of local origin, but with the energy necessary to carry them... [read more]

A catalogue of 72 promising solutions to answer as many questions about everyday life. A collection of cosmopolitan ideas of local origin, but with the energy necessary to carry them... [read more]
Food Delivery Solutions

Food Delivery Solutions presents and discusses three proposed solutions for very specific needs: the needs of people with reduced access to food. These solutions have been developed adopting a particular... [read more]

Food Delivery Solutions presents and discusses three proposed solutions for very specific needs: the needs of people with reduced access to food. These solutions have been developed adopting a particular... [read more]
Solution Oriented Partnership

Solution Oriented Partnership is about the conception and development of solutions. More precisely: it is about industrialised, contextualised, sustainable solutions that are produced and delivered by networks of partners: the... [read more]

Solution Oriented Partnership is about the conception and development of solutions. More precisely: it is about industrialised, contextualised, sustainable solutions that are produced and delivered by networks of partners: the... [read more]

Sectors we work in… Fields we work in are all connected with new and more sustainable ways of living. Actually, we list them to facilitate browsing in our catalogue of... [read more]

Sectors we work in… Fields we work in are all connected with new and more sustainable ways of living. Actually, we list them to facilitate browsing in our catalogue of... [read more]
Creative students & young professionals

“Strategic Design Scenarios behaves also as a teaching opportunity between research and professional worlds receiving permanently young creative students coming from design schools and universities worldwide…” You are a design... [read more]

“Strategic Design Scenarios behaves also as a teaching opportunity between research and professional worlds receiving permanently young creative students coming from design schools and universities worldwide…” You are a design... [read more]
scenario building

Scenarios as we intend them, are visions of the future together with concrete solutions definition that may lead from the current situation to this future vision… Scenario building is first... [read more]

Scenarios as we intend them, are visions of the future together with concrete solutions definition that may lead from the current situation to this future vision… Scenario building is first... [read more]
stakeholders engagement

The very projection process works as knowledge brokering facilitating mutual understanding: scenarios building allows stakeholders to look beyond their current interactions and direct interests, to share a common view of... [read more]

The very projection process works as knowledge brokering facilitating mutual understanding: scenarios building allows stakeholders to look beyond their current interactions and direct interests, to share a common view of... [read more]
Collaborative Services

This book presents the scenario of collaborative services with a range of solution examples, design guidelines and conceptual background on how design could support social innovations promising in terms of... [read more]

This book presents the scenario of collaborative services with a range of solution examples, design guidelines and conceptual background on how design could support social innovations promising in terms of... [read more]

Different local projects are designed in system so that they support and reinforce each other, generate synergies and allows to reach the momentum to change or start change at the... [read more]

Different local projects are designed in system so that they support and reinforce each other, generate synergies and allows to reach the momentum to change or start change at the... [read more]

“…SDS is a design studio working at local, regional, european and international levels…” Architempo Comediastra, Belgium Bruxelles Environnement, Brussels, Belgium Cité du Design, Saint-Étienne, France Centre National de la Fonction... [read more]

“…SDS is a design studio working at local, regional, european and international levels…” Architempo Comediastra, Belgium Bruxelles Environnement, Brussels, Belgium Cité du Design, Saint-Étienne, France Centre National de la Fonction... [read more]

“SDS is also consulting for private companies…” Below is a short list of some of the companies we have been working with : Barilla pasta (product strategy France/Germany/Italy) Belgacom Proximus... [read more]

“SDS is also consulting for private companies…” Below is a short list of some of the companies we have been working with : Barilla pasta (product strategy France/Germany/Italy) Belgacom Proximus... [read more]

SDS is what EU calls an ‘agile structure’ The first step that we do in front of a new challenge is to constitute an ad-hoc partnership in the circle of... [read more]

SDS is what EU calls an ‘agile structure’ The first step that we do in front of a new challenge is to constitute an ad-hoc partnership in the circle of... [read more]
About SDS

Strategic Design Scenarios is a design lab specialised in strategic design, scenario building, co-design with users and community-centred approaches as well as sustainability and foresight. SDS, created in 2003 in... [read more]

Strategic Design Scenarios is a design lab specialised in strategic design, scenario building, co-design with users and community-centred approaches as well as sustainability and foresight. SDS, created in 2003 in... [read more]
La génération et l’articulation des idées de services

This booklet has been made from a paper titled: “La génération et l’articulation des idées de services” by François Jégou, in a book called “Design dei Servizi, Interazione, innovazione, collaborazione”... [read more]

This booklet has been made from a paper titled: “La génération et l’articulation des idées de services” by François Jégou, in a book called “Design dei Servizi, Interazione, innovazione, collaborazione”... [read more]
Developing a college as an open campus

This booklet has been made from a paper titled: “Developing a college as an open campus. Design-driven residences to foster innovation in public institutions” by François Jégou, Stéphane Vincent, Romain... [read more]

This booklet has been made from a paper titled: “Developing a college as an open campus. Design-driven residences to foster innovation in public institutions” by François Jégou, Stéphane Vincent, Romain... [read more]
Collaborative design sessions of objects proposing energy-saving practices: heating

This paper has been presented at the Multiple Ways conference in Lugano, Switzerland, 12-13 November 2009 and published in Multiple Ways to Design Research, Research cases that reshape the design... [read more]

This paper has been presented at the Multiple Ways conference in Lugano, Switzerland, 12-13 November 2009 and published in Multiple Ways to Design Research, Research cases that reshape the design... [read more]
Collaborative design sessions of objects proposing energy-saving practices: lighting

This paper has been presented at the Multiple Ways conference in Lugano, Switzerland, 12-13 November 2009 and published in Multiple Ways to Design Research, Research cases that reshape the design... [read more]

This paper has been presented at the Multiple Ways conference in Lugano, Switzerland, 12-13 November 2009 and published in Multiple Ways to Design Research, Research cases that reshape the design... [read more]
The future of deliberative processes on nanotechnology

This article has been published in 2010 by the European Commission in a publication called “Understanding Public Debate on Nanotechnologies, Options for Framing Public Policies” edited by René von Schomberg... [read more]

This article has been published in 2010 by the European Commission in a publication called “Understanding Public Debate on Nanotechnologies, Options for Framing Public Policies” edited by René von Schomberg... [read more]
Collaborative projection of the macro-service Cité du Design

This booklet has been made from the chapter titled: “Collaborative projection of the macro-service Cité du Design” by François Jégou in a book called Design for services, edited by Anna... [read more]

This booklet has been made from the chapter titled: “Collaborative projection of the macro-service Cité du Design” by François Jégou in a book called Design for services, edited by Anna... [read more]
Residencies in public institutions supporting local transition to sustainable ways of living

This booklet has been made from the chapter titled: “Residencies in public institutions supporting local transition to sustainable ways of living” by François Jégou and Stéphane Vincent presented at the... [read more]

This booklet has been made from the chapter titled: “Residencies in public institutions supporting local transition to sustainable ways of living” by François Jégou and Stéphane Vincent presented at the... [read more]
Design for Social Innovation, mobility initiatives

This article has been presented at the the 2nd SCORE! Conference (Sustainable Consumption Research Exchange Network) in Brussels 10-11 March 2008 and published in the proceeding of the conference.

This article has been presented at the the 2nd SCORE! Conference (Sustainable Consumption Research Exchange Network) in Brussels 10-11 March 2008 and published in the proceeding of the conference.
Co-design & energy responsible practices / washing

This paper has been presented at the Sustainability in Design: NOW conference Bengalore, India 29th September - 1st October 2010

This paper has been presented at the Sustainability in Design: NOW conference Bengalore, India 29th September - 1st October 2010
Social innovations and regional acupuncture towards sustainability

This booklet has been made from a paper titled: “Social Innovation and regional acupuncture towards sustainability” by François Jégou presented at the Hunan Green Design conference in Zhuzhou and published... [read more]

This booklet has been made from a paper titled: “Social Innovation and regional acupuncture towards sustainability” by François Jégou presented at the Hunan Green Design conference in Zhuzhou and published... [read more]
Sustainable transformation, acupuncture of residences

This article has been published in the Design and Creation journal of the Jiangnan University in Wuxi, China.

This article has been published in the Design and Creation journal of the Jiangnan University in Wuxi, China.

Beyond classical new product definition, new ‘solution’ definition is a larger process envisioning complete new systems including products, services, policies and their related communication… + See more projects related to... [read more]

Beyond classical new product definition, new ‘solution’ definition is a larger process envisioning complete new systems including products, services, policies and their related communication… + See more projects related to... [read more]

Approaching discontinuities through scenarios building and definition of new solutions requires very often to revisit the toolbox we use: we therefore tends to design new tools ad’hoc for each and... [read more]

Approaching discontinuities through scenarios building and definition of new solutions requires very often to revisit the toolbox we use: we therefore tends to design new tools ad’hoc for each and... [read more]

Focusing new and more sustainable ways of living, the final output beyond new solutions definition is the effective change of the material culture in the daily living resulting in shifts... [read more]

Focusing new and more sustainable ways of living, the final output beyond new solutions definition is the effective change of the material culture in the daily living resulting in shifts... [read more]

++ under construction ++   [media-library-gallery nb=”12″ cols=”4″ category=”food”]

++ under construction ++   [media-library-gallery nb=”12″ cols=”4″ category=”food”]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent quis tempor sapien. Etiam id placerat eros. Suspendisse accumsan, purus ac vulputate pharetra, nisl dui gravida quam, quis sodales felis tortor... [read more]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent quis tempor sapien. Etiam id placerat eros. Suspendisse accumsan, purus ac vulputate pharetra, nisl dui gravida quam, quis sodales felis tortor... [read more]

[column width=”30%” padding=”5%”]Test column 1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis... [read more]

[column width=”30%” padding=”5%”]Test column 1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis... [read more]

The success of policies depends also from the way they are designed: how they interact with the material culture of products; if they contradict or complement themselves; how they are... [read more]

The success of policies depends also from the way they are designed: how they interact with the material culture of products; if they contradict or complement themselves; how they are... [read more]
Experimentation of new tools

When asked “what are the tools SDS is using, we tend to list some of our favourites… But most of the time we don’t have ready-to-use tools: we design our... [read more]

When asked “what are the tools SDS is using, we tend to list some of our favourites… But most of the time we don’t have ready-to-use tools: we design our... [read more]
EESC Design Eleven for Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity

EESC DESIGN ELEVEN for Active ageing and Intergenerational solidarity – Updating elderly… EESC Design Eleven is a competition launched in November 2010 by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)... [read more]

EESC DESIGN ELEVEN for Active ageing and Intergenerational solidarity – Updating elderly… EESC Design Eleven is a competition launched in November 2010 by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)... [read more]