Agenda IRIS 21

A process of participative and projective self-assessment of Agenda 21 from Brussels municipalities and social centres in order to orient the local sustainable policy of the Ministry of Environment of the Brussels-Capital Region.

Assessing public policies for local sustainable development in the perspective of revisiting Agenda 21 toolbox and exploring follow-up program at regional level…

The Brussels-Capital Region is supporting the municipalities and the neighbourhood social centres and developing their own Agenda Iris 21 action plan. After 5 years of intense development process an evaluation was needed.

EcoRes and SDS jointly proposed an original form of participative and projective self-assessment.

Agenda 21 coordinators were involved in participative workshops together with the regional civil servants, the animation team and the Environment Ministry representative: comparing actions plans, mapping local support groups, building collectively a shared image of current achievements and future expectations…

Immersion sessions were also organized in the municipality buildings and at social centres teaming with the different populations to collaboratively explore what Agenda 21 have managed to achieve and where they failed.

A final event was organized at SDS in form of a Pecha-Kucha-like presentation to kick-start a communication process on Agenda 21 best realisations and an exhibition of the draft report where everybody was invited to collectively review and fine tune the conclusions for the regional Ministry.



Click here to download the report of AGENDAS IRIS 21

Partners :

EcoRes (BE)
IBGE Brussels-Environment (BE)
Strategic Design Scenarios (BE)