CORPUS Sustainable Street 2030

Walking on a street of a sustainable city in 20 years from now…

Sustainable consumption has become an increasingly important topic on the European political agenda.
Putting the evidence-based policy-making into the practice of Sustainable Consumption and Production, though, requires exploring and testing innovative tools of knowledge brokerage. The objective of CORPUS – a three-year research project, which started in January 2010 and was supported under the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7) – was to experiment with and develop new integrative modalities of knowledge brokerage at the science-policy interface.

The idea of walking on a sustainable street in 20 years from now, developed by Strategic Design Scenarios, was the vision that came up to design this toolkit for collaborative scenario building. Pulling ourselves out of our daily contexts and current mindsets to envision the future in an open and creative way is one of the bottlenecks in participative forward-looking activities.
The vision of walking for a short while on a street of a sustainable futures society, experiencing a walkable neighbourhood with refurbished passive houses in a resilient city brought to build a light exhibition with snapshots of the future, posters and manifestos that would immerse participants to a projection exercise into a stimulating, controversial, slightly provoking environment to set the right mood for an open strategic conversation.

The toolkit that was designed, consists of a series of 24 visual posters produced for each of the 3 topics of sustainable food, mobility and housing developed for the CORPUS project and in proposing them as stimulating material to kick-off collaborative workshops between policy-makers and researchers or between other heterogeneous stakeholders using shared scenario building activities.





Get a glimpse of the Sustainable Street 2030 in 2 minutes!

Watch the making of the CORPUS scenario buidling workshops ! 

Partners :

Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (Institute for Ecological Economy Research) (IÖW), Germany
Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasser- wirtschaft (BMLFUW), Austria
Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Department of Intercultural Communication and Development (DICM), Denmark
Copenhagen Resource Institute (CRI), Denmark
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Institute For European Studies (IES-VUB), Belgium
The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC), Hungary
Planète Publique (PP), France
Strategic Design Scenarios (SDS), Belgium
Statens Institutt For Forbruksforskning (National Institute for Consumer Research) (SIFO), Norway
Wirtschaftsuniverstität Wien (WU Wien), Austria
Finnish Ministry of the Environment (FiMoE), Finland

Links :

CORPUS The SCP Knowledge Hub