URBACT II (2007-2013) is a European exchange programme promoting sustainable and integrated urban development in line with the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy. It enables European cities to work together and to develop effective and sustainable solutions to major key urban challenges. Each project brings together 6 to 12 cities or other partners during two to three years and focuses on a specific urban issue.
SDS carried a study looking for experiences from cities taking part in the URBACT programme and outside, which were exemplary in developing and promoting the use of social innovation in their governance. The project more particularly sought to provide readily available and concrete information to support other cities wishing to follow similar approaches.
The projects used a mixed methodology fostering social innovation as means for data gathering, for example through online chat sessions and with Living Exhibitions. It produced a Tribune Article, a State of the Art, two Case Studies and a Special Edition for urban practitioners and experts. A Featured video of the project is also available.
Have a look at the dedicated blog
Have a look and download the Social Innovation in Cities report