Visions+21 toolbox


To enable local authorities to build upon the national working group reflections on “Rio+20 and after : The future of Agenda 21″ and lead a prospective exercise of their own Local Agenda 21, a toolbox has been developed during the year 2013. The city of St Orens, Lorient Agglomeration, the department of Gironde, the regional Committee A21 of Bretagne and the Midi-Pyrenees region have all contributed in the development of the toolkit by experimenting it in their own contexts with their local stakeholders.
The toolkit is made of a series of tools-exercises, to be adjusted according to the needs of the local authorities. Some tools are designed to co-produce a desirable and reachable vision of a sustainable territory, while others are more intended to collectively examine the process of Agenda 21 and to develop a scenario adapted to the territory.
Like any toolbox, the use and choice of the tools to implement are tailored to the specific needs of the territory. The territorial experimentations (in Gironde, Bretagne and Midi-Pyrenees) allowed us to collectively create instruction manuals, tips and tutorials for each tool.

The toolbox is, for now, only available in french.

Partners :

Ministère de l’écologie, du développement durable et de l’énergie (France)

Links :

 Have a look at the toolbox and download it freely ! (french version only)

Project Blog

Visions +21 par agenda21demain