A residence regarding access to local public services 
A SGMAP and 27e Région partnership.

Involving beneficiaries as relay to reach “invisible” citizens

Between October 2014 and March 2014, SDS participates alongside the 27e Région and SGMAP in an exploratory approach on access to local public services.

Objectives: to understand the obstacles and dysfunctions in the use of public administrations, and to raise creative solutions for improvements to existing systems. This reflection is part of the work undertaken since 2008 by the DATAR and the SGMAP around the Public Relay Services (RSP), with a view to deploying the first level links between the citizen and the administrations.

New communication objects for administrations

Faced with this massive modernization project, an experimental system for the State: a residence aimed at tackling the problematic, starting from the practices and customs of the citizens. The residence is therefore anchored in Saône-et-Loire, in the Community of Communes of Clunisois, to conduct a thorough immersion, then develop and test concrete solutions, in collaboration with actors, professionals, and inhabitants. The residency takes place over three weeks, thanks to a multidisciplinary team made up of three designers, a sociologist specializing in the theme, an SGMAP officer in charge of the topic at the ministerial level, and various stakeholders.

Times-up of public administration access stakeholders
In the course of field observations, this team raises a number of visions – or intuitions of projects in the longer term – and tests them in the form of prototypes and scenarios with local actors. At the end of the residency, a fourth and last week of reflection is organized at the SGMAP to evaluate the possibilities of realization and deployment of these hypotheses. Seven of these creative avenues are presented, sometimes raising possibilities for action at the local level (intercommunality), sometimes a strategic lever at the national level with service operators (CNAV, CNAF, Pôle Emploi, MSA …) Organizations in charge of accessibility of services (DATAR / CGET).

Re-designing administrative letters

A poster (In french) gives an overview of the themes and projects identified during the residency.

To learn more about the project and its lessons, a blog (In french) is available.