
What is a zero carbon campus? What does it mean ? What does it look like ? How is that different from a traditional campus? What is better in a zero-carbon university? How do we move, eat, interact, teach in a sustainable university?

This serie of questions were the ones asked by the “CZC design thinking caravan”. The caravan is an itinerant module of design thinking, foresight and sustainability aiming at building scenarios to imagine how things would be in Zero-carbon Campus. This module is part of the “Zero-carbon Campus” programme supported by the Comue (Association of Universities and Schools of Lille and the North Region). Therefore our caravan travelled throughout the region and stopped in 5 locations : Bethune, Dunkerque, Lille, Valenciennes et Villeneuve d’Ascq and gathered more than 120 students and university staff (teachers, personnel) from 14 universities and schools.
This first season of the CZC Caravan resulted in 23 scenarios (78 minutes in total) describing desired futures for more sustainable and collaborative campuses.

Every module was articulated as follow :
– Introduction to the global sustainability challenges and the Zero-carbon campus target
– Introduction to the design thinking approach
– Unveiling stimulating reaction cards as provocative starters of discussions on the future
– Scenario building in groups
– Video recording of the scenarios in plenary

The richness and diversity of the ideas and concepts that came out of the process represent a great opportunity to transform the way we perceive and design our universities’ campuses both in terms of conception (spaces, building, equipment, etc.) and day-to-day uses/practices (habits, users interactions, teaching practices, mobility on the campus, etc.).