TESR-Ecological and social transformation

The Ecological and Social Transformation of the Region

Transformation écologique et sociale Started 3 years ago the TESR (Transformation écologique et sociale de la région) stands for Ecological and Social Transformation of the Nord Pas-de-Calais Region in the north of France. We can read on the folder issued for the 3rd TESR Forum that took place in Lille on the 4th October : “The TESR aims to propose a new form of public action that overcomes the fields of traditional skills to start from issues considered essential. It emphasizes the mobilization of “stakeholders” and “rearrangement” of actors to ultimately help produce “common goods”, the densification and the combination of will promote a new model of development desired”.

Strategic Design Scenarios together with Extra Muros (Lille) and 4D association (Paris) are supporting the TESR process since Spring 2013. In particular with the TESR Team of the Region, we organized the 3rd Forum that gathered on the 4th of October 2013 more than 400 stakeholders to the 9 “development operations” focusing each, critical ecological and social issues such as energy, water, food, forestry, lodging, health, learning and culture. Strategic Design Scenarios is following and accompanying more specfically the 2 following developement operations (out of the 9) : “Food governance” (exploring the food resilience and food regional system and governance) and “the High School of the third millenium” (exploring what the new generation of high school should be like).

The annual forum is an opportunity to assess the achievements and respond to new questions. It was, this year, organized as a mix of talks addressing the results and comparing it with other territorial sustainable transformation processes in other region such as South-West of France Gironde “Societal Co-Responsibility of the Territory” (http://www.gironde.fr/jcms/c_5116/agenda-21#refresh-3  and http://www.sustainable-everyday-project.net/agenda21/2013/07/05/a21_gironde/) or the “Feeding Milan” (http://www.nutriremilano.it) project promoted by Slow Food and Milan Politecnico in Italy. The TESR Forum (4th of October) opened with a short animation film produced by SDS with the help of the TESR Team and different stakeholders. The film is meant to present in a quick and accessible way the conceptual background and methodological processes on which the TESR is based.

Watch the TESR video below :

Read more on the TESR Blog >>>

Partners :
Conseil Régional de Nord-Pas de Calais
Association 4D

Links :
Project Blog