
“To get familiar with design-based approaches, we consider that the best way to learn is through action-training formats. As designers, skills and competencies are mostly gained through ‘learning by doing’. Therefore, a classroom is rarely the right place for that.”

In order to contribute to the transformation of practices , SDS is proposing multiple design-centered training opportunities. In terms of training, Strategic Design Scenarios is currently active through:

  • Action-training at INET (Institut National des Etudes Territoriales – National Institute of  Territorial Studies) in Strasbourg (Fr) on Participatory approaches and design of  public services
    Audience: Directors of City/Regional Administrations
    Format: 20 hours (3 full days of action-training)
  • Training courses at Sciences Po Lille (Fr) on Design and public innovation
    Audience: Political Science Master Degree students
    Format: 18 hours (6 x 3hours)
  • Training courses at La Cambre Design School (Be) on Sustainability & design
    Audience: Design Master Degree students
    Format: 30 hours
  • Conferences, lectures and keynotes – Introducing design practices in policy making, Design applied to public innovation, Design of participatory processes, Design and participatory foresight
    Audience: Experts, researchers, practitioners, civil servants, citizens
    Format: 30-120 min

SDS also conducts in-situ action-training sessions with local public authorities as well as national ones. If  you are interested by a training, feel free to contact us.

Our methods

We offer various methods and formats of training:

  • Interactive and participatory conferences/lectures/keynotes
  • Action-training workshops/sessions
  • Fishbowl conversations
  • Live action-exhibitions
  • Roleplay
  • Serious/provocative games
  • etc.

List of some conferences/ lectures/ keynotes

    Training of European Urban Initiative (EUI) staff about design thinking | Lille, France | June 2024

    Training for EU Cohesion Policy managing authorities about participatory process and citizen engagement –Keynote & workshop | European Institute of Public Administration | May 2024

    Lecture to elected officials and heads of departments of the County Authority of the Reunion Island (Conseil Départemental 974) on participatory democracy and design of public policies | Reunion Island, France | November 2022

    Citizen participation? What an idea! – Co-organising and co-facilitating 2 european days of debate, workshops and lectures on participatory democracy European Parliament of Strasbourg, France – Conseil National des Villes – ANCT – June 2022

    Training of city heads of departments and elected officials of the city of St Quentin on design-based & participatory policymaking | St Quentin, France | May 2022

    Annual seminar of directors of the City of Agen – Design applied to public innovation and participatory processes | Keynote – Agen, France | November 2019

    National Policy Evaluation Days –  Société Française d’Evaluation – Exploring the links between design-based investigation practices and police-investigation practices | Keynote & workshop – Sciences Po Bordeaux, France | June 2019

    Annual seminar of directors of the City of Lyon – Design practices applied to public innovation and investigation of public policies through design and police based practices – Conference – Lyon, France | June 2019

    Italian Cultural Institute in Brussels  – Design for collaborative cities | Round table with Ezio Manzini, Virginia Tassinari, Alessandro Rancati & Giovanna Massoni – Brussels, Belgium | May 2019

    Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) – Rethinking governance and the future through participatory approaches – keynote | Seminar : Engaging Communities In Research – Methodologies for Understanding Today Complex Urban Environments | January 2019

    IFAPME – Institut wallon de Formation en AlternanceDesign & innovation applied to the public sector – Training directors – Charleroi, Belgium | September 2018

    Let’s talk about design & politics – Introduction to Designing public policy – keynote – at MAD (Fashion and Design Platform) | Brussels, Belgium, March 2018

    Euro-metropolitan City of Lille, Housing Department – Public innovation by design – How to apply design thinking approaches to better collaborate with users in housing policies? – conference | Lille, France | March 2018

    IWEPS – Institut Wallon de l’Evaluation, de la Prospective et de la Statistique – FUTURAMA – Participatory foresight and democracy – keynote | Namur, Belgium | February 2018

    3rd Technology Assessment Conference – Cork – Stimulating conversations about the future in citizen-based participatory processes – keynote | May 2017

    EU Parliament Civic Innovation Network – ” Bridging civic innovation and politics ” – Experts panel | March 2017

    Conference-summary on the National Day of the Club EcoQuartier, Cité of Sciences and Industry, Paris, France | 2017

    Home Automation Scenario Building Workshop for AAB Technology, Product Services Systems, Milan Politecnico, Italy  | 2017

    Inaugural Conference, French Agronomy Association, Mirabel, France | 2017

    Moderator of URBACT roundtable, JERU 2017, National Day of the French National Agency for Urban Renovation (ANRU), Grande Halle de la Villette, Paris, France | 2017

    Keynote Pradel AFA (Annual Agronomy Association Congress), Mirabel, France | 2017

    Conference NATCONSUMERS, ICLEI Brussels, Belgium | 2017

    Moderation URBACT conference, JERU 2017 (National Urban Renov. Symposium) Paris, France  | 2017

    Conference Leuven Irish Institute, Leuven, Belgium | 2017

    Conference Unusual Suspect Festival, Social Innovation Exchange, London, UK | 2017

    Conference and workshop Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Brussels, Belgium | 2017

    Workshop DutchGov for 120 civil servants from Dutch Ministries, Brussels, Belgium | 2017

    Conference, High Democratic Quality design HackBelgium, Brussels, Belgium | 2017

    Conference, research seminar, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland | 2017

    Keynote, FIP-explo research seminar, ANR (French Nat. Research Project), Paris, France | 2017

    And many more…