
Strategic Design Scenarios is regularly taking part to European Research projects as well as national/regional/local research initiatives.

SDS has been involved in various EU Commission-funded research projects investigating the emergence of sustainable solutions and future ways of living (CORPUS, SPREAD, EMUDE, SUSHOUSE), the design of product-service systems (TURAS PSS, HiCS, MEPSS), the innovation process in small and medium-sized enterprises (INFU, UCIM, E-VAN, ADAPT), the impact of augmented workspaces (AMBIENT AGORAS), energy consumption in households (Natconsumers, ECO2) or the creation of deliberative processes on Nanotechnologies (NANOPLAT) or on EU research agenda setting (CIMULACT), but also Responsible Research and Innovation (COMPASS), etc.

SDS is also engaged on Erasmus+ research projects such as Changemakers (how to teach kids about design thinking through video gaming) or D-TIPS (Design Thinking in Primary Schools).

SDS is also conducting participatory research at regional levels such as the VILCO project (Ville Collaborative, on participatory governance) in the Brussels Capitale Region through Co-Create Innoviris, but also action-research at territorial level, for example with the Ministry of Justice and the Office for Juvenile Justice in the Guadeloupe island (french territory in the carribean sea).

SDS is also regularly writing, contributing to and/or publishing research papers, articles, books, etc. Here are a few of them:

Gouache, C. (2021). Imagining the future with citizens: participatory foresight and democratic policy design in Marcoussis, France. Policy Design and Practice5(1), 66–85.

Delahais, T., Gouache, C. & Vincent, S. (2019). Le design de l’action publique : vers une hybridation entre culture design et culture de l’évaluation. Sciences du Design, 10, 83-89.

Jégou, F., Bonneau, M. (2018), L’usage temporaire des espaces urbains vacants : Accueillir l’innovation dans la ville. Design écosocial : Convivialités, pratiques situées et nouveaux communs by Duhem L. Faucogney et la Mer.

Bonneau, M., Jégou, F. (2017). Local authorities and their development of new governance approaches. Distilling lessons from a social innovation project. Social Innovation and Sustainable Consumption: Research and Action for Societal Transformation by Backhaus et al. Routledge.

Scholl, G., Berger, G., Freytag, E., Herczeg, M., Jégou, F., Kalimo, H., Kallay, T., Reisch, L., Rouhinen, S., Rubik, F., Simon, B., Strandbakken, P. (2016). Linking research and policy for evidence-based policy-making on sustainable consumption. Knowledge Brokerage for Sustainable Development: Innovative Tools for Increasing Research Impact and Evidence-Based Policy-Making by Martinuzzi, A., & Sedlacko, M. Routledge

Manzini, E. , & Jégou, F. (2016). Collaborative Organisations and Enabling Solutions: Social Innovation and Design for Sustainability. In D. Huppatz (Ed.). Design: Critical and Primary Sources: Development, Globalization, Sustainability (pp. 223–248). London: Bloomsbury Academic. Retrieved August 5, 2024, from

Jégou, F., Gouache, C. (2015). Envisioning as an Enabling Tool for Social Empowerment and Sustainable Democracy. In: Thoresen, V., Doyle, D., Klein, J., Didham, R. (eds) Responsible Living. Springer, Cham.

Jégou, F., Thévenet, R., Vincent, S. (2014). Friendly Hacking into the Public Sector: (Re)Designing Public Policies Within Regional Governments. Design for policy / by Christian Bason. Gower.

Leitner, K-H., Jégou, F., Warnke, P., et al (2012). Innovation Futures: A Foresight Exercise on Emerging Patterns of Innovation Visions, Scenarios and Implications for Policy and Practice. INFU. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1359.1846

Jégou, F., (2010). Social innovations and regional acupuncture towards sustainability. Conference paper for the Hunan Green Design conference in Zhuzhou and published in the Chine academic journal Zhuangshi in 2010