Cité Educative Lyon 8e

Education is a vast and complex sector. There are hundreds of stakeholders from the national education ministry to each school, of all different levels of education, from nurseries to kindergarden to university, they are clubs, associations, social and community centres, youth centres, sports institutions, cultural and art organizations, etc. All these actors play an educational role, yet all these actors don’t necessarly either know one an other and collaborate together. The Cité Educative programme (of the French National Government) is an experimental platform for educational stakeholders to better collaborate. The district of Lyon 8e is one of the 40 Cité Educative which were launched throughout France.

The scope of the Cité Educative is really wide as it includes all youth from age 0 to age 25. That’s a lot of stakeholders to take into consideration. In the Cite Educative Lyon 8e, SDS’s role is to accompany the City of Lyon through a design-thinking and participatory approach. Which means involving stakeholders in the co-creation of the strategic choices which need to be made as well as in finding solutions to overcome the identified needs and challenges. SDS works both with the managing committee of the Cite Educative Lyon 8e as well as the local stakeholders on the field. Finally, SDS helps the City of Lyon to reflect on the communication, dissemination and valorization of the programme.

Partners: Ville de Lyon

Links: More info about the Cite Educative Lyon 8e can be found here: