Territoires en Résidences
How can we renovate the processes of action of public authorities, engage participation in public institutions and foster sustainable transition…
Photo-stories developed with 6 families for the City-Eco-Lab exhibition in the 2008 Design Biennale to picture visitors how daily life could be in a more sustainable Saint-Etienne and engage towards…
Creative Communities for Sustainable Lifestyles
Collection of cases of social innovation promising in terms of transition towards sustainable living with UNEP and the Swedish Task Force on Sustainable Lifestyles in Brazil, China, India and Africa.
Global Survey on Sustainable Lifestyles
3 scenarios of sustainable living presented through 9 solution story-boards discussed randomly in the online survey promoted by UNEP to beyond 8000 youths worldwide.
Nanoplat project
Development of a Platform for Deliberative Processes on Nanotechnology in the European Consumer Market based on social computing tools. Projective scenarios simulating possible developments of nanotechnologies in food to stimulate…
Cité du Design
Construction of a collective projection based on a story-telling process among the publics of the Cité du Design to define the future usages and functionalities of the new public institution.
Human Cities Festival 2010
Design of street exhibition in Brussels, Milan and Ljubljana as part of the Human Cities Festival concluding a European research project on public space as a commons towards sustainable cities.
Designing Household Energy Practices (DHEP)
Non-conference and hands-on workshop bringing together designers and academics working from different points of view on the question of cultural change of household practices in the daily use of energy.
Social Innovation and Regional Ecology Workshop
Video brainstorming on new collaborative services to support sustainable living in the periurban areas…
Creative Communities for Sustainable Lifestyles Design Exercises
Series of workshop in design schools and universities in Brazil, China, India and Africa…
Wireless Care
Definition of an health care service platform with TNO based on wearable sensing technology…
User Centred Innovation in Manufacturing (UCIM)
European research project to provide insights on research needs related to the adoption of user centred modes of innovation by manufacturing industry and support stakeholders strategy from industry, research and…
EMUDE (Emerging User Demands for Sustainable Solutions)
European research project exploring the potential of social innovation as a driver for sustainable transition…
Sustainable Everydays Beaubourg
Installation at the D-Day exhibition in Beaubourg Contemporary Art Centre, France engaging visitors to interact between videos scenarios of sustainable ways of living on-site and the Sustainable Everyday Project (SEP)…
SEP Travelling Exhibition
Light ‘in-luggage’ exhibition set developed to promote the Sustainable Everyday Project activities in more than 10 events worldwide in New-Delhi, Bratislava, Florence, Eindhoven, Montréal, Allborg, Wuppertal, Tokyo, Saint-Etienne, Hammar, Genova,…
Sustainable Everydays PASS
Exhibition venue at the PASS, Scientific and Social Adventure Park, Belgium challenging visitors with scenarios on new and more sustainable ways of living and engaging them to interact with a…
Sustainable Everydays Triennale
Major exhibition venue at the Triennale di Milano, Italy designed as a on-site user-research involving visitors to choose between different daily living solutions and compose progressively a sustainable scenario adapted…
Privacy Enhancing Guidelines
Co-design process with a sample of leading IT lab worldwide of a set of design principles…
SusHouse – Strategies towards the sustainable household
European research project aiming at developing new everyday life solutions and testing their potential benefit…